Since one or two weeks have we discovered some strange things at the river. Loud splash-sounds at the water when we go late along the river, strange cutted trees, branches without bark, even next to the university, and something big diving at night close beneath the water surface. Of course, that sounds like a beaver, but for receiving an evidence for the connection between these discoveries, I started last night an expedition to the river during sunset. I walked upstream and discovered several trees which were cutted. But they were so many (around a dozen in 50 meters) that I thought, that the trees would probably be the work of some humans collecting wood for the may-fires last monday. But I was wrong. A few minutes later a big animal left next to me the bank and swam parallel to me upstream. It was to dark, so I could not figure out if this animal has a box-like head or not. But it was at least half a meter what I could see on the surface and it switched to the opposite bank still swimming upstream. I followed the waves it caused, because only the reflections of the waves gave me the assurance that my friend was still with me. When I was around 100 meter before the first bridge I walked faster for getting first to the bridge trying to get a look from above. But my faster walking made a noise, and I just heard a splash and bigger waves made me clear that I scared my companion. Hoping it would return I walked under the bridge and waited a few minutes in the shadows. But I saw just fishes catching flies. I walked on the top the bridge and waited another few minutes. In indeed, after a while the animal appeared again crossing around 10 minutes infront of the bridge. Now I was almost certain that it is a beaver. The light was dim, but it was an animal of the expected size. For the last evidence I switched on my flashlight when the animal was next to me. Scared disappeared it in the beaver-typical water-fountain. That was all I needed. I walked away and watched from far that the beaver, once I had left the bridge, felt save enough to swim further upstream. I turned and went home. I had annoyed the animal enough for one night.
That trip was very successful. Already the first attempt proved out assumptions. The next step is to discover the castle and shooting a good picture. I will try it this evening at 8pm an hour before sunset. Perhaps I can find the beaver swimming downstream. Or I can at least discover its castle. The problem is that is will probably to lively at that time. If so, I will make my next attempt at the weekend during sunrise. Sunrise is that early (around 5am) that there will be for sure nobody except me and my motive on our way.