Weather in Sundsvall is very strange. Since 2am you have a bright blue sky. At 5am you wake up because the sun shines directly on your bed you you feel far to warm. During the day it is sunny so you can lie next to the river and enjoy it during your lunch break. After lunch more and more clouds appear and when you finish work at university in the afternoon the clouds are heavy, dark and deep und you have to fear rain. And it is colder than the cosy 20 degrees during the day. Plans like barbecues or picnics become less attractive although you were looking forward to it all the day long. During the early night hours the clouds disappear and around midnight to 2am you have a blue sky again and everything starts from the beginning.

On Monday I've been to university to fix some bureaucracy stuff. Since the printer did not work it took a while. In the evening I had a walk with Solene and Sebastian to the small lake (I know, it is not that small, but now everybody knows what I mean). We saw the beaver and found even his lodge. And we found a n automated lawnmower. Swedes can be so lazy.

On Tuesday I was standing in a movie-queue again. The heaven scene had to be reshot what I thought to already been done when I've been sick. Afterwards we had lunch and enjoyed the sun at the river. My only work at the moment is to criticize the articles. So I read the first one and found out, that this exercise is more a torture. But I learn a lot by comparing those to my own article and I rethink a few things. I realize things about structure I did not think of before. Spontaneously Sebastian, Solene and I decided to have picnic at the small lake. Of course the weather was ugly in the evening, but we decided to go anyway.

The picnic was slightly cold, because the wind was blowing, but it was so funny. Because nobody of us had been farer from Sundsvall away, we walked through a nearby village to a church which you can see from the lake. We crossed some fields and walked around the lake. By accident we had to cross the garden of somebody. In the end we have been 5 hours outside coming back at 11pm. And it was so funny. I've been that tired from the walk, that I went to bed before midnight. Just for being waken up by the sun at quarter past 6am. This time without the ability to sleep again. So what. I am awake. Let the day start. I'm in.