I am becoming better. Yesterday I felt like in slow-motion. I made a walk to the town with Julia and in deed some fresh air made me feel better. And what do you do, if you are at home? Schoolwork? Homework? No. Somehow, the time vanishes and all you have done is cooking. And because cooking just enough for yourself is never easy you cook more for freezing it. You can do it like Philipp who usually cooks a huge pot at once with the result, that you have to eat every second day the same. I did it the same, but last time one meal was not that tasty. And I had to eat it every second day. Now, I cook for two. One for me and one for the future. The disadvantage is, that I have to cook more often, but since I am more at home now, it is not that difficult (I just have to do it...). The advantage is that I now have four different meals in the freezer. One of them is still the ugly one. Perhaps I should have eaten it while my sense of taste was knocked out. A pitty straight thinking was knocked out as well.