Week past by more quickly than I wished. No wonder. It were only three days. On Wednesday I went out around 8pm searching for the beaver. And indeed, as I had assumed it swam downstream at this time coming from the lake. I waited at the bridge again and took a lot of pictures, but not even one was acceptable. The light has been already to dark. But I made a movie of it and it is quite good visible on it. Perhaps I can make a crappy screenshot from the movie. But because, I reinstalled my computer I struggle with some difficulties. Windows does not recognize the network interfaces and Linux has first to be taught to play quicktime-movies. I lost a lot of nerves at this machine this week. But I think, now it is working.

My work at university does not progress as fast I want it to. The book I am reading does not go as deep as I would like to know expert systems, but on the other hand it gives a good survey. But it leaves me with a few questions which I cover in my article with brave assumptions. Since Thursday I become really tired after lunch. I could sleep in front my computer immediately. But I still have to read, to think, to assume and to write. At least today I was able to reach my objective of one page per day. Salsa on Thursday was somehow difficult for me. My head felt like being somewhere else. Only during the end, after being totally too tired to think, it went very well. Afterwards I came up with the idea to go the salsa party at stadshuset although the price is quite high. But after it went so well, I should try again wild-life dancing.
At the Marzena's beatles-party today people could not stop telling me, I would look tired. Oh, damn. I hope, I will recover until tomorrow. Otherwise, it will be a tough evening.