Exams are over. And it were finally more than i thought. Yesterday evening Basti remind me of the swedish exam today. Just thinking of logic i had forgotten that thing. But anyway I was learning very relaxed. I am a little scared about myself. But I have not learned a tenth that intensive like I did at home. It's just, because you have 5 hours for each exam. And the questions are just for 90 minutes. Because the period is that short, I always can sit there, try two hours to remember examples from the lectures, try to proof something by my own and finally find the clue without having learned it at home. If I would have learned 2 hours yesterday intensivley i could have done the exam today in logic in one hour instead of three. But that's a difference of two hours, too. After the mathematics exam today i prepared one hour for swedish. But I was shocked how much I had forgotten since EILC. As I hoped I could remember many things, but I did not get the details. And when I received the papers for the exams I even forgot many of the things I had locked minutes before. I had looked so intensivley for supinium for irregular verbs, but how was it for the regulars? I have to describe, what I have done last week, but I cannot remember more than the weekend? I have to describe a room, but I cannot remember more words than "middle, left, right, floor, desk, lamp, window and flower". It was very embarrising and I am angry about myself. But that's how it is going here. I could learn more intensive, but there is so much else I can do here. I think, I will have passed the exams with "good enough", but not satisfied. Better luck next time. That's the good thing of this short periods. When you have lost the learning motivation at the beginning of the period and you are unable to get back to it, there will be a new chance after only a few weeks. And I will take it.
The weather is still could here. My thermometer measured -8°C this morning. And we had again a beautiful blue sky this day. On the river swim a few thin ice islands. Big, but they do not seem to be thick enough to carry more than a mouse. I think, a polar light this night would be a fine idea. I am sitting in the living room, reading a lot of books and interesting things about Organization Decision Making. It is interesting, but I still don't know, what to argue. But there is this beautiful huge window. A polar light would be fine to watch from here. I hope for it.