I am free, now. No exams, no homework. YES! In finished my homework on friday night. I wasn't able to write 8 pages, because of the lack of time. But I think, I have structered my 5 pages in the right way (thesis, argument, conclusion), so I hope for a satisfied feedback. At least it was send in before the deadline ends, so even if it is not good enough I will have the opportunity to fix in a week. But the good thing is, it is finished and I can have my first weekend without thinking about exams or homeworks.
After I sending in my homework I attended a party at the spanish girls flat. Almost everybody sent them his three most favorite songs. When they asked me I really felt unsure about my favorite songs. I almost never think about favorits. For all the people who asked me at that evening: I send them "Smashmouth - Shoes 'n' hats", "Smashmouth - Your man" and "Lostprophets - Last train home". As you can see at the picture, I was still influenced from my day-and-night homework, but I was happy to see something else than my notebook, although I was not very communicative. I went to bed later than 4 o'clock. You can see some pictures at Phil's site.
Because of the long night I slept very long. In the evening was a Halloweenparty at the Kårhuset. The sweds are strange. The parties end at 2 o'clock but nobody goes to a party earlier than 11. Less than 3 hours to party. We arrived short after 11 o'clock, but the Kårhuset was still almost empty. But short after our arrival the party started. It was a great fun. At the beginning they played some 80's music, but when the dancing room was full, they started the ordinary swedish party music. Always the same songs. At the end, they played some good songs, but we left 10 minutes before 2 to get our jackets before the trafik jam started at the wardrobe. We waited at the busstation and after a while Anna and I decided to go by foot to Nacksta. When we arrived at home, Phil phoned us and told us the bus did not come and they had to walk, too. Haha. We stayed until 4 o'clock at our appartment at 20A, drinking tea and talking. So I missed my laundray this morning. Not that bad, I can get a new one.
All pictures of the party at Phil's homepage.
All pictures of the party at Phil's homepage.