Today most people of Nacksta drove to Norway. And I am not with them. I slept very long on and programmed my RSA algorithm. Now the threads are implemented, but the backup is not implemented yet, so it takes some time, before I can test it.

In the evening Ulrich, Phil, Stephan and I went out to the town. First we joined Anders and Andreas. On our way, we became totally wet and I was very angry about my situation. I thought of becoming a cold and probably missing the Salsa party in three days because of illness. But when we arrived at Petter, he gave us a very healthy
Irish Coffee to become warm again. This was at perhaps 8pm. At 11pm we went to O'learys. First I thought O'Learys would be boring, but it was quite cool after a while. We stayed until 3am dancing all the time. But the last hour was the hardest for me. I was tired and drunken people pushed me all the time. But all in all it was worth becoming wet in the beginning of the evening. Check out
Phil's galery. And now? Now I go to bed!

Good Night!