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Showing posts from October, 2006

The Sound of Silence

This morning i had my first exam in Sweden. It was about Decision Theory. And it was not that hard. It was quite easy. With a bit more preperation A should be no problem. It was about a few exercises, just slightly more complex. The definitions-questions i could not answer properly, I think. But I knew, where I the information would have stand, so I would just have needed more professional preparation. When I went out this morning, it snowed a little bit. But it was staying on the ground, perhaps 1mm. But when I left the exam building 3 hours later, there where minimum 10cm snow. Perhaps more. It is snowing heavily all the day long. I went with Ulrich and Phil into the town, buying a cap and spikes. We did not know exactly, where to buy spikes, so we asked at the tourist-information. But they did not know what spikes are. So Phil explained "You know, these things for foreign people who cannot walk on snow like the swedish people..." - "Oh, you mean boddar!". Yes, bo...

Friday Night

This weekend Seppel visited me in Sundsvall. He arrived in the friday afternoon. Our plan was to stay in Sundsvall and go to Härnösand in the evening for a birthday suprise to Klara. We planned that trip weeks ago. But because we were hungry, we decided to go to Härnösand earlier to visit the well known pizzeria again as we did at the surströmming-weekend during the EILC. It was stormy and cold in Härnösand. It was even snowing. On our way to Mitt Lyan we almost lost our pizza because of the wind. Klara really did not know about Seppel and me. I think, we all enjoyed this night. I did. It was so good to see the my friends again. I felt relieved when I left Sundsvall realizing that I have not left town for two month. The change of enviroment was a real relieve for me. The last weeks I was somehow disappointed and frustrated, but obviously because I always had to think in these "Sundsvall-patterns". In the morning I stood up at 10 o'clock. 6 hours of sleep. And I slept ter...

Sleeping Sun

Standing In The Rain

1 chapter, 2 books and 11 days left. I just have found a topic for my approach. By now it is "Game Theory and Economic Behavior under common Decision Theory Aspects". I am pretty unsure, if this is a proper topic, but because there is not much time left, I will try this one. Because it is hard to question the facts mentioned at the chapter I want to critisize, I try to find references in other literature to show additional links between game theory, economic behavior and common decision theory. I am pretty sure, I will change the topic at the end, after having realizied what I have really written. I hope everybody who taunted I would just make vacation here is satisfied now ;-) Oh, this evening, we had the first snow. It was 2 degrees plus, but we had snow. Of course, it could not stand the warm floor, but their was snow in the air. Unbelievable: in Germany they have even 14 degrees at night.

Walking On Sunshine

Winter has begun. Look for Maglosia's and Martin's Blog . We would also have this huge amount of snow, but it is far too warm, so it rains heavily, all the time. On Friday it was that hard, i did not go to university to avoid becoming ill. All who went told me, they sat totally wet in the lessons. On friday almost everyone of the exchange students went on a trip to Stockholm. Now I am almost alone here. On friday I was did nothing but being frustrated of the weather. On saturday I concentrated on my homework. It is that hard. I have to analyze game theory in organizational decision making. I have not any clue how to do that. The exercise is to critical analyze the authors key issues. Well, his key issues are facts and I believe everything he wrotes. How should I write eight pages about that? How can I formulate a problem about this fact and well prepared conclusion? In the evening I feared of staying alone the whole weekend, just seeing my computer and my books. But Anna also ...

When The Rain Begins To Fall

Yesterday evening we had some kind of a show here. The firestrikers were here, but i don't know why. They surrounded building 18, but nothing happend. After a few minutes, they left. It was late yesterday. After a movienight with Phil, Line, Anna and Ulrich is got up late this morning. But the first thing i saw out of my window, of course, the weather of Sundsvall. I saw this group of mothers and children walking in the rain. As always two kids are slower than the others. According to the weather service there is no snow in sight for Sundsvall. But take a look at Martin's Blog ! I think, because of the near Baltic sea, we have to wait for our first snow.

The Ecstasy Of Gold

Snow! They smell snow! The sweds can smell it. I've heard they smell it for the weekend. In Östersund already for tomorrow. But until then, gold and red are the dominating colors of this day. And blue. A wide blue sky. Today i got my "personnummer". Now i can loan a DVD. And go to work. But best of all: now i can register my halebop-mobilephone-card for identifieng incomming calls. Stupid you need your personnummer for something common like this, but they want it like that. Yesterday i received a present from my colleges Phil and Ulrich. Because my CPU-fan of my notebook does not work properly anymore they organized a computer for me. I just need a keyboard for it. So, if you have one and you are living near Sundsvall, tell me please. By now, i can just use the monitor as second screen for my buggy notebook. But it looks impressive and it is fun to use it. Oh, and because this a day of gold, i have another picture for you. Golden food. Because of my lack of creativity c...

"I wanna stay home today..." or "Tell me why i don't like mondays"

A weekend full of motivation and one night of sleeping always-dreaming-terrible. My lesson will start just at 13 but i go now learning at the library for getting other thoughts. *BREAK* Other highlights of the day: walking to the harbour of Sundsvall with Basti eating a sub from Subways. And finally finishing the evening with Philipp, trying to look tagesthemen but chatting with a lot of people instead.

Still Standing

Wow, what a weekend. But first, for all the peope who complain i would just party: i had lesson friday. And i have a lot to do. That's it. But now the fun part. Friday i went to bed early, because i expected Joana to arrive at 10:40. Because of my ordinary confusion i had forgotten to clean the flat, so i had to stand up earlier. And it's quite a walk to the busstation. I sat in the library reading some newspapers until she finally arrived at 12 o'clock. We walked trough Sundsvall for hours and got back to Nacksta at approximatly 16:00. After coffee, we went to ICA buying some stuff for dinner (most important meal of the evening... or something like that... sorri :-D ). I tried first time to cook filled champions by my own. It worked! It looked not that good as last weekend, but it tasted (i hope, it tasted not only me). Of course the red wine couldn't be absent. But this time Basti, Joana and i emptied not the good Primitivo like in Härnösand but a cheap german ...

Vi ses

Almost a week past since my last entry. So it is time for a summary: Weekend: At weekend we got visitors from Östersund. I enjoyed meeting my friends again. We visited Sundsvall, cooked together and ate and drank. Weekend past to quickly for me. It was far too short. But next weekends will be revivals, too. Week: The week started annoying. Bureaucracy everywhere. Damn annoying. But at least i got a contract from Mittuniversitetet for my master, so i will stay enrolled here until end of january 2008. Now i have to tell Aachen about my plans. I hope they won't try to stop me. I would like to make my diploma there as well my master here. This week is the first week with free days. Tuesday and Thursday are/were free for me, because i had no lessons. But i still wonder how quick time passes. I remember my last year in Aachen and i did so many things on one day, always working, always in a hurry, but here... i don't know. At the end of day i just can count a view things i did during ...

Vem hoje cá! Rápido!

On Thursday we had another Salsa-course. We learned a new combination of Salsa steps. At the end the woman has to run into the man, falls back and the man has to catch here. I have to find somebody for practice. In the evening Iman gave a birthday party. Again i have to blaim the swedish beer. I drank just three lätt-öl's and i had a light headache on this morning. But this could also be a result of just 4 hours sleep. I stood up 6:45 to prepare some coffee for Phil. But i missed the coffee-concentration again. Basti told me "two parts coffee for one cup". But this is too much. And it were less cups of water than i thought. I drank just one cup, but Phil took a whole bottle to his lesson. The result was that this lesson was his most active lesson, he told me. My own lesson was also funny. It was about game theory. I was happy, because i knew the topics from my chapter of "Ogranizational Decision Making". After 20 minutes Jim (lecturer) said "That's all...

From evenings, weather and the worst location of Sundsvall

Haha, entries become more often! Tuesday i did not know what to do, so i decided to go to bed early and drank my "good night"-beer without Basti. I explain you, what a GNB is It's not just a beer, it's a "good night"-beer. But alone it's not satisfiing. It has to be drunk by at least two wannabe-philosophers (SORRI!!!) before they go to bed. Yesterday something happend! At the last moment i got an opportunity escaping from my room for the evening! First i visited Phil watching "Tagesthemen". Afterwards we catched the bus. It was already leaving the bus station but we ran to catch it and it stopped for letting us in. We traveled to Kårhuset, but there was not much going on. Just a few guys playing a drinking game. So we went to the karaoke-bar we heard of before. And now, be grateful, send me money, because now i tell you the most important thing of Sundsvall: NEVER, never ever, aldrig nånsin, go to this stupid bar! Jump behind a bus, dance nak...

12 square meter cell

The party on saturday was - compared to Sweden- really big. They played good music. A lot of ABBA, of course (they still haven't overcome that). A lot of early 80's music. And one time, they played Nena "99 Luftballons". All in all i had fun and enjoyed the evening. It's still disturbing when they switch on the lights on 2 o'clock. I still did not want to go home. We tried to get something to eat from Subways but they might have made the money of their life. It was completly overcrowded. So some of us decided to take the bus back to Nacksta. I think i had my "smörbröd" sooner eaten than the guys who stayed in the restaurant. See the pictures on Phil's page . Yesterday was monday. It was a Markus-monday. I stayed up at 6:45. At 7:45 i realized that my lesson would start just on 10:15. At 9:30 i rembered that 10:15 would not be an ordinary lesson but a test! And i haven't learned for it! *sigh* The test wasn't hard, but i calculated the e...