Snow! They smell snow! The sweds can smell it. I've heard they smell it for the weekend. In Östersund already for tomorrow. But until then, gold and red are the dominating colors of this day. And blue. A wide blue sky.
Today i got my "personnummer". Now i can loan a DVD. And go to work. But best of all: now i can register my halebop-mobilephone-card for identifieng incomming calls. Stupid you need your personnummer for something common like this, but they want it like that.
Yesterday i received a present from my colleges Phil and Ulrich.

Because my CPU-fan of my notebook does not work properly anymore they organized a computer for me. I just need a keyboard for it. So, if you have one and you are living near Sundsvall, tell me please. By now, i can just use the monitor as second screen for my buggy notebook. But it looks impressive and it is fun to use it.

Oh, and because this a day of gold, i have another picture for you. Golden food. Because of my lack of creativity concerning cooking i can daily choose between rice with vegetables (i like the word "grönsaker") and pasta with vegetables. Today it was time for pasta. I used curry for receiving golden pasta.