Winter has begun. Look for
Maglosia's and
Martin's Blog. We would also have this huge amount of snow, but it is far too warm, so it rains heavily, all the time. On Friday it was that hard, i did not go to university to avoid becoming ill. All who went told me, they sat totally wet in the lessons. On friday almost everyone of the exchange students went on a trip to Stockholm. Now I am almost alone here. On friday I was did nothing but being frustrated of the weather. On saturday I concentrated on my homework. It is that hard. I have to analyze game theory in organizational decision making. I have not any clue how to do that. The exercise is to critical analyze the authors key issues. Well, his key issues are facts and I believe everything he wrotes. How should I write eight pages about that? How can I formulate a problem about this fact and well prepared conclusion?
In the evening I feared of staying alone the whole weekend, just seeing my computer and my books. But Anna also stayed in Sundsvall, so we decided to watch "Studio 54" on DVD. After that we went to Felix's flat where a big dinner was prepared. I had a terrible headache. But luckily I accidently had my bagpack with me, where still was Inga's medicine she gave me on the morning after the EILC-Good-Bye-party. After a while we decided to play/sing karaoke. Karaoke. I. Singing. Oh god... but this is my semester abroad. I already danced like a frog on my first day in sweden,

sang "Här komer Pippi Långstrump", asked foreign people about surströmming, presented myself in a pantomimic show, asked Björn about his tatoo, learn salsa, asked a girl to dance with me... I made so many things I would have never imagined me to do. So why not embarrassing the others with my voice? We made two teams playing "against" each other. At this karaoke-program you earn points if you hit the tone over a short time span. When it was my turn, I was happy founding an "Ärzte"-song "Männer Sind Schweine". At least the lyrics shouldn't have been a problem. The first verses were zero points, because I really had to hit the tones.

My tones were that wrong, they were not even visible on the screen. But after I have skipped to sing like I am used to sing I earned points. The result was not bad. "1000 mal berührt" was a catastrophy, "Green Day - Minority" was a hit, and at the fun round a sang "The Darkness - I Believe In A Thing Called Love"... suprisingly it was my second best result. But it finally smashed my vocal chords. At 4 o'clock I went home to bed. My throat hurts a little bit. But this likely is a result of an arising cold. But I don't have time for illness. Show must go on!