This weekend Seppel visited me in Sundsvall. He arrived in the friday afternoon. Our plan was to stay in Sundsvall and go to Härnösand in the evening for a birthday suprise to Klara. We planned that trip weeks ago. But because we were hungry, we decided to go to Härnösand earlier to visit the well known pizzeria again as we did at the surströmming-weekend during the EILC. It was stormy and cold in Härnösand. It was even snowing. On our way to Mitt Lyan we almost lost our pizza because of the wind. Klara really did not know about Seppel and me. I think, we all enjoyed this night. I did. It was so good to see the my friends again.
I felt relieved when I left Sundsvall realizing that I have not left town for two month. The change of enviroment was a real relieve for me. The last weeks I was somehow disappointed and frustrated, but obviously because I always had to think in these "Sundsvall-patterns".

In the morning I stood up at 10 o'clock. 6 hours of sleep. And I slept terrible. I am not used to sleep on the floor anymore. I become old (this phrase is a virus...). Because of a misunderstanding at the busstationen we leaved to early from Mitt Lyan and we had to stay two hours more in Härnösand. We stayed at the harbour, lieing in the sun and waiting for the bus. I read my book for my homework. I think, I will be able to make in the end of the week. There will be two days and one night of time to write it.

I am unable to explain my satisfaction after this trip. I was just happy.
But the weekend wasn't over yet. Seppel stayed until sunday in Sundsvall. And in the evening there was an "Oktoberfest" at the kårhuset. But just the flags were german. The promised german music was a joke. The only german music they played was "Rammstein" all the time at the bar. But the music on the dance floor was better this time. Hard brakes of music styles, but this time they played songs you could listen to. But I felt somehow slow this evening.

Perhaps because of the former night. After the party Seppel and I stayed up until 4 o'clock with a good-night-wodka.
Today we stood up late, but we are lucky, that we earned an hour last night. We had a walk around Nacksta and a coffee with Phil and Line in the afternoon. Today, Basti should arrive back in Sundsvall after he has stayed in Östersund for a week. This is going to be a long night again, telling stories about our last adventures.