I just have found a topic for my approach. By now it is "Game Theory and Economic Behavior under common Decision Theory Aspects". I am pretty unsure, if this is a proper topic, but because there is not much time left, I will try this one. Because it is hard to question the facts mentioned at the chapter I want to critisize, I try to find references in other literature to show additional links between game theory, economic behavior and common decision theory. I am pretty sure, I will change the topic at the end, after having realizied what I have really written. I hope everybody who taunted I would just make vacation here is satisfied now ;-)
Oh, this evening, we had the first snow. It was 2 degrees plus, but we had snow. Of course, it could not stand the warm floor, but their was snow in the air. Unbelievable: in Germany they have even 14 degrees at night.
Oh, this evening, we had the first snow. It was 2 degrees plus, but we had snow. Of course, it could not stand the warm floor, but their was snow in the air. Unbelievable: in Germany they have even 14 degrees at night.