Wow, what a weekend. But first, for all the peope who complain i would just party: i had lesson friday. And i have a lot to do. That's it.
But now the fun part. Friday i went to bed early, because i expected Joana to arrive at 10:40. Because of my ordinary confusion i had forgotten to clean the flat, so i had to stand up earlier. And it's quite a walk to the busstation. I sat in the library reading some newspapers until she finally arrived at 12 o'clock. We walked trough Sundsvall for hours and got back to Nacksta at approximatly 16:00. After coffee, we went to ICA buying some stuff for dinner (most important meal of the evening... or something like that... sorri :-D ). I tried first time to cook filled champions by my own. It worked! It looked not that good as last weekend, but it tasted (i hope, it tasted not only me). Of course the red wine couldn't be absent. But this time Basti, Joana and i emptied not the good Primitivo like in Härnösand but a cheap german "Dornfelder Spätborgunder". Drinkable. But the highlight of the evening was the Salsa-party at Liquid Bar.
We danced almost 3 hours. Non-stop! Wow. Unimaginable. We went home by foot arriving home at half past 2. It was the best day since 2 month. I am so happy and motivated for the week. I hope i can keep the energy for a while.
All pictures of the evening, as always, you can see at Phil's homepage.
All pictures of the evening, as always, you can see at Phil's homepage.