The party on saturday was - compared to Sweden- really big. They played good music. A lot of ABBA, of course (they still haven't overcome that). A lot of early 80's music. And one time, they played Nena "99 Luftballons". All in all i had fun and enjoyed the evening. It's still disturbing when they switch on the lights on 2 o'clock. I still did not want to go home. We tried to get something to eat from Subways but they might have made the money of their life. It was completly overcrowded. So some of us decided to take the bus back to Nacksta. I think i had my "smörbröd" sooner eaten than the guys who stayed in the restaurant. See the pictures on
Phil's page.

Yesterday was monday. It was a Markus-monday. I stayed up at 6:45. At 7:45 i realized that my lesson would start just on 10:15. At 9:30 i rembered that 10:15 would not be an ordinary lesson but a test! And i haven't learned for it!
*sigh* The test wasn't hard, but i calculated the exercises 4 times and i received everytime a different result. In the logic lesson we learned a topic i never heard from before:
natural deduction. I did not get any clue. On swedish i was to slow to think about vocabulars and made everything wrong. For lunch i tried a can "brown beans", but it was disgusting, so i gave it to the fishes. Perhaps i should hibernate until the winter is over. It's just autumn and i lose concentration and motivation for everything. I am just sitting in my room, waiting for something to happen.
Today it was a bit better. It was the same, but i understood natural deduction. Understood is perhaps not exact, but "accepted" sounds too negative.
Now, i will wait for the Salsa-Course and the weekend.